Interplay Between Cognition and Emotion: Unravelling the Mind Complexity




Cognition, emotion, neuroscience, mental-health, appraisal, emotion regulation


To understand human behavior and mental health, one must understand the complex interplay between cognition and emotion. The cognitive processes of perception, attention, memory, and decision-making, as well as the affective states, mood, and subjective experiences associated with emotions, are often regarded as distinct entities. However, new research shows that cognitive processes are strongly linked to emotional experiences and vice versa. To comprehend the complex relationship between cognition and emotion, this research article examines its importance, mechanisms, and prospective effects on psychological well-being. The complex relationship between cognition and emotion is examined using dual-process theories, appraisal theory, embodied cognition, and neurocognitive models. According to this study, attentional biases and cognitive reappraisal alter emotional experiences and reactions. It explores how emotional states affect cognitive performance, notably attention allocation, memory encoding, and decision-making. This study also investigates the neurological systems that link cognition and emotion, highlighting the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus. To study cognitive-emotional relationships, neuroimaging, behavioral experiments, and computer modeling are used. By understanding the complex link between cognition and emotion, this research advances strategies to improve cognitive-emotional dysregulation and mental health. The utilization of conclusions can serve to elucidate psychopathology, formulate therapeutic approaches, and foster resilience in the face of adversity. The examination of the relation between cognition and emotion holds significant importance in comprehending human behavior and mental well-being, and this research delves into this subject comprehensively.


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How to Cite

Uniyal, S. (2024). Interplay Between Cognition and Emotion: Unravelling the Mind Complexity. Shodh Sagar Journal of Inspiration and Psychology, 1(2), 1–9.



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